President Trump announces his 2025 tax plan, AI agents are currently unable to complete certain workflows in browser environments, and human brain tissues show high concentrations of microplastics
"Even if agents like Operator were able to work flawlessly, the "last mile" for these workflows involves unspoken rules and subtle judgment that people cannot easily articulate in words to prompt the agent. With the expense report example, there are exceptions like handling international charges or ambiguous receipts that rely on understanding unspoken rules that AI agents cannot figure out today."
This is not a difficult problem to solve. The way you train humans to do the task is to have them first do everything they know for sure and escalate the ambiguous cases to their supervisors for clarification. By seeing how their supervisors handle ambiguity, they learn those rules and know how to handle such cases in the future. AI agents will do the same.
I would like to see the folks from All In bringing a guest from the "other side". All I seem to be able to find on the internet as people in their echo chambers preaching to the converted. Bringing somebody smart and articulate like Timothy Snyder or Mark Cuban or somebody anybody.
Yeah, no. Maybe at one time he did, but he certainly isn't now. The rest of the All In gang is way smart enough to see that. I am torn, because I love listening to All In, but I want to see them mix it up with a worthy adversary. That's my hope, that super smart people can sit down and air their differences with somebody like @snyder in this kind of forum.
Re. limitations of AI agents like operator - I think this can be solved for quiet easily if approached by a company trying to solve this vertically with domain knowledge. OpenAI is the horizontal godfather of AI but if you leech on to their capabilities and add in domain knowledge of accounting experts to mimic how an accounting firm would review charges and receipts, it looks to be quiet an easy challenge to overcome.
That’s what I’m personally seeing with legal AI agents that I’m working on atm.
The microplastics article is fascinating. I would love to know which plastics are more harmful to us and if certain populations are more vulnerable to microplastic exposure.
"Even if agents like Operator were able to work flawlessly, the "last mile" for these workflows involves unspoken rules and subtle judgment that people cannot easily articulate in words to prompt the agent. With the expense report example, there are exceptions like handling international charges or ambiguous receipts that rely on understanding unspoken rules that AI agents cannot figure out today."
This is not a difficult problem to solve. The way you train humans to do the task is to have them first do everything they know for sure and escalate the ambiguous cases to their supervisors for clarification. By seeing how their supervisors handle ambiguity, they learn those rules and know how to handle such cases in the future. AI agents will do the same.
I would like to see the folks from All In bringing a guest from the "other side". All I seem to be able to find on the internet as people in their echo chambers preaching to the converted. Bringing somebody smart and articulate like Timothy Snyder or Mark Cuban or somebody anybody.
We already have Calcanis representing the other side. One is more than enough.
Yeah, no. Maybe at one time he did, but he certainly isn't now. The rest of the All In gang is way smart enough to see that. I am torn, because I love listening to All In, but I want to see them mix it up with a worthy adversary. That's my hope, that super smart people can sit down and air their differences with somebody like @snyder in this kind of forum.
Re. limitations of AI agents like operator - I think this can be solved for quiet easily if approached by a company trying to solve this vertically with domain knowledge. OpenAI is the horizontal godfather of AI but if you leech on to their capabilities and add in domain knowledge of accounting experts to mimic how an accounting firm would review charges and receipts, it looks to be quiet an easy challenge to overcome.
That’s what I’m personally seeing with legal AI agents that I’m working on atm.
Chalmath ….i love your perspective on almost everything, but do you really need to charge $100 a month for this??? You’re a billionaire!!!
An interesting read
the human brain consist of microplastics and nanoplastics
The microplastics article is fascinating. I would love to know which plastics are more harmful to us and if certain populations are more vulnerable to microplastic exposure.
Love your work Chamath
All in is fantastic
Please share this with the guys
I think Sacks may like it
Fight! Fight! Fight
with a fist resolute
stares down his sniper
with fearless repute
Others would dive
take cover and cower
Cometh the man
cometh the hour
Here’s a guy that wears
a combover proud
Has an orange spray tan
and is a little too loud
Here’s a guy that
doesn’t care what they say
He’s gonna do it right
and do it his way.
Here’s a guy
that the dems detest
along with therians, trans and well you know the rest.
Here’s a guy that talks no BS
Twice he’s come in to clean up their mess.
To rebuild his wall
that a puppet pulled down
Don’t start me on Biden
man what a clown
pour Biden just stood there
and took all the flack
While the demi elites
put knives in his back
Here’s a guy that
just cuts through red tape
With his sharpie anew
EO’s will reshape
From Paris to tariffs
to border control
Sickem doge
may bloated heads roll.
Speak freely my friends
don’t fear to be heard
For woke will no longer
be the last word
Now males and females
can identify as such
Finally a minority
wont dictate so much
Now the man is not perfect
He’d be the first to agree
But you know what he stands for
O’er the land of the free
Love him or hate him
It must be said he’s got balls
There’s a new sense of purpose
in these republican halls
Surrounded by a team
unlike any before
May they reshape the values
Our fathers fought for
So dear Mr Trump
I wish you Godspeed
On all that you do
And on every good deed
When history looks back
Upon your term, and upon thee
May well you be judged
and may she smile happily.
Sunday Feb 9th, 2025